Update 6pm Tuesday. Due to weather venue changed to Christopher’s Fine Foods 25 Daisy Hill Road Daisy Hill if interested. Please reply. We will meet at the Daisy Hill Conservation Park for a walk/ talk and afterwards byo picnic. To see the koalas you’ll need prebook your visit time online due to COVID restrictions. Bring hat, sunscreen, water and or tea/coffee plus something to share.
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Group Activity Trip Discussion

Daisy Hill Conservation Park — 28 Oct 2020, 9:00am

4 people attended Want to invite other members? Visit the Members page This event is full

Daisy Hill, Queensland, Australia
Wednesday, Oct 28, 2020
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About this event

Update: In the event of bad weather meet at Christopher’s fine foods 25 Daisy Hill Rd Daisy Hill nearby. The activity: Meet at the Daisy Hill Conservation centre near the public toilets close to the … Join Stitch to see more

Additional information

The short board walk is about 15 mins if you keep walking and don’t sit down on the seating provided. The longer walk is about 60 mins regular walking pace. Shorter if you are a quick walker or very … Join Stitch to see more


eating outwalkingfitnesscommunitysocializingcoffee