Anastasia Hadjidemetri

Anastasia leads community engagement at Stitch as well as all the Stitch Community volunteering programs. When she's not supporting our community members around the world, she's at home exploring her interests such as growing succulents, reading and photography.

Stitch member Gina publishes article about Stitch in The Parklander Magazine

Spreading the word about Stitch in Florida: Stitch member Gina takes matters into her own hands

Stitch community members are an impressive lot. Some have contacted radio stations to raise awareness about Stitch to thousands of listeners. Others have pinned Stitch flyers to notice boards around their local communities. Others have contacted journalists and editors, managing to get Stitch published in their local newspapers. Like I said, an impressive lot. Gina

Spreading the word about Stitch in Florida: Stitch member Gina takes matters into her own hands Read More »